It is my personal standard to never stop improving — to never stop innovating towards a better world 

Growing up as the child of a single mother living off social security in Germany, I've gone my whole life believing that becoming an artist was an entirely impossible career path for someone like me. Even though art, in every capacity, has always been an anchoring point in my life, I have come to accept that I would likely never make a living off my passion somewhere along the lines. That is, until I discovered the program I am currently pursuing: Media and Interaction Design at the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück. Years of hard work and intense studies paid off and I received the generous KITABU scholarship, which enabled me to spend one semester at University of California, Berkeley.

I’ve learned that design is about more than just the aesthetics of things. It’s by no means a groundbreaking observation that the worlds of media and technology have been merging at a dizzying pace in the past few years, but the prospect of working on this transition is very exciting to me. As design and technology continue to influence the lives of many, it’s a privilege and an honor for me to work on making these processes smoother, and work towards an accessible, intelligent, and sustainable future. This type of work touches the work of many on the daily, and the idea of contributing to the way life functions in millions of ways is genuinely beautiful to me.

Say hi! 🪩👋🏽